Goooode mawning ya’ll!

All comments posted on Graywolf’s Lair are moderated before posting to public view, to insure our quality standards for site purpose and etiquette are maintained.

The purpose of this site is public education regarding growing and processing cannabis for its medical properties.

It is not about partisan politics or religion, so posts on those two subjects won’t be posted even if they are done in a kindly tasteful manner

Our reasoning for that is that there are vast differences in opinions on those two subjects so they attract zealots and extremest from all ends of the spectrum, and discussions tend to get lively and distracting.

We welcome and solicit your comments but ask that all ya’ll brothers and sisters act like responsible adults in presenting them.  We will post unkindly comments along with the positive ones, as long they are done tastefully and are debating a relevant subject, as opposed to being a personal attack.

Please do strap yourself in for takeoff and thank ya’ll for flying Graywolf’s Lair

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